Regina (Cheekz)

I am a: Woman

Looking for a: Man

Age: 31 (01-08-1993)

City/Town: Glendale

Postal Code: 85305

Country: United States United States

A Little About Me

Hello my name is Regina I’m from Arizona I have a son I was sleeved in 2018 and I work as a dental hygienist assistant. I am looking for healthier friendships and who knows maybe an actual relationship 🥰 I want someone who understands what it’s like to be a bariatric patient and not push cheesecake in my face although strawberry IS my favorite haha I need motivation to get back to my healthier lifestyle and I believe it starts with who you surround yourself with so let’s see if we’re compatible! 😁



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Join Date: 2 years ago. • Last Activity: 2 years ago. • Views: 381


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